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Call, surf, SMS
at best rates

Call, surf, SMS 
at best rates


Download the Friendi Mobile App for iOS or Android and enjoy exclusive plans and promotion and take complete control of your mobile life!

Price Data Flexi Validity Buy Plan Auto-Renewal Setting
RO 15 30 GB 300 Mins 4 weeks *303*18# *130*18#
RO 10 20 GB 200 Mins 4 weeks *303*17# *130*17#
RO 7 14 GB 140 Mins 4 weeks *303*16# *130*16#
RO 5 8 GB 80 Mins 4 weeks *303*15# *130*15#
RO 3 4 GB 30 Mins 4 weeks *303*14# *130*14#
RO 2 2.5 GB 20 Mins 4 weeks *303*13# *130*13#
  • Don't lose what you don't use! Any remaining data/Flexi minutes will roll over to the next month when your plan auto-renews.
  • Flexi minutes can be used to call Oman, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
  • Get a discounted rate of 9 Bz/MB for PAYG data as long as your Smart Bundle's auto-renew status is turned ON. Dial *360# to turn your PAYG data service ON.
  • To check your plan balance and validity dial *250#, or log on to the FRiENDi mobile app.
  • Prices include 5% VAT.